Brian Cowie, Centura Tile

Posted by:
September 21, 2017

“Thank you for the great service in both the pre-delivery of the airplane from Cessna Textron and the mentor pilot you have provided, Cole Gevry. We have more than recouped the cost of the service with having problems resolved with Cessna Textron during the pre-delivery inspection. It is handy to have someone like Randall Lane, who was with Cessna for many years. He provided a firm hand in negotiating with Textron a settlement for what could have been a considerably costly delivery problem. In addition, the mentor pilot you provided, for such a young guy, Cole Gevry is fantastic, reliable and professional. He looked after an aircraft problem in the field that stretched long into the night without hesitation. In other words, he went beyond the call of duty. I cannot say enough about your service.” – Brian Cowie, Centura Tile

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